Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The blessings of friends~

There are many poems, sayings, and what-nots about the blessings of friends~

I am really at a loss for words as there is no poem or saying that could describe the blessings that God has given me through my friends~ Like the flower that is closed when it buds and blooms into beauty that sets some in awe, when God shines down upon the earth~ I closed myself off from ever getting close to anyone long ago. I prayed many days, nights and years that God would send a true friend into my life. One that understands and accepts the person I am. A few years ago I entered into the world of the internet and found a group of women that liked and did the things I did, crafting. Creating beautiful works with thier hands and sharing them with one another. Through this group a few ladies stood fast in my life and today I call myself blessed. Near and far God has answered that prayer.
I am a person that lives with simple means and accept what I have has blessing each day. I am a woman that yes has cried God Why? Fallin apart many times on my kitchen floor with only God holding me. As a single mom, I have taught my daughters to go forward in life to reach for their dreams and to be kind on that traveled road to success.
Recently in my life my youngest daughter has had a baby.... though young she is a great mom~
When I found out she was pregnant yes I cried, I felt the world had crashed down around me and on me. I screamed to God why? You know He reached down to show me why! He showed me that I was not going to walk through this alone or with just Him, Because of the wonderful ladies that have reached out before, reached out again. "Friends" they did not condem or look for fault, they simply reached out and supported, listened, prayed with me.
Today~ my grandson is well on his way to comming home soon. He is at 4lbs. 14.5ozs. and is getting stronger each day. I know that I could have survived and done all this, but oh what a blessing of friendships when I had women to go to.

I live in a small two bedroom one bath house. I call it a little shack, but it has been standing here from the times the rail ran through this little town, so really how could it be a shack. It has stood through many hurricanes and storms. It is not what some would call a place they would want to live in, but I call it a blessing. It holds many memories and as I look around I can still see the whole family crowded in as my grandpa handed out presents at Christmas. I can even hear the laughter. It is a place of surienity and strength. Since 2003 my bathtub cracked and well being who I am and not being able to change it out myself or have the money to hire someone I patched it. That worked for a couple years then no amount of patching would do, in 2005 I decided the best way to make it work and did it, yes it worked fine. I went to Wal-Mart, bought a tarp and yes liquid nails........ and glued the tarp in...... WOW! it worked, it held water and it drained without flooding my bathroom. Today again I am blessed! The friends God sent me over 7 years ago are coming in!!! Not only are they changing out the tub, they are redoing the whole bathroom! What a blessing and Thank You Lord! She asked me what I wanted my bathroom to look like, and I asked her to please put her stamp on it. I had my reason for asking that~ One she has great taste! and two I will see and feel Gods blessings of the friends he has given me.

I have one request to all who read this....... Please pray for my friends, that God blesses them abundantly in all areas of their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Carol, that is one beautiful posts and I am sitting here in tears. Too late, I gave it away and I really didn't mean to do it for reasons some might think. I did it out of love and to show the progression that is coming along. I have to take my camera card and bring it to WalMart because there are too many to download on my computer. But Al did get to see them when he went but it was too late for them to do it last night. Well going take a cat nap---didn't sleep too good after our long day at the hospital and surgeon's office---I'm worn out, but hope to do some more organizing later. Love and Hugs, Pat
