Kaden is weighing in at 5lbs. 7.9ozs. Once he is able to eat for every feeding on his own for 48 hours or so then we do the carseat test. Which means that we bring the seat to the hospistal, which will be brought in today, and he has to be able to sit in the seat for an hour at a time, (length of the ride home). Once he is able to do that we will be bringing him home. We are getting close!!!
Once Kaden is home, we were told that for his best we should not take him out except for doctors appts. for two months, and also limit the flow of traffic coming to see him. So we have set a rule in place for when he is home, that we are praying all understand. There will be still no children coming to see Kaden and as for adults only those that have been seeing him in the hospital. We know this may be an upset for some, but Hope and Pray that all understand that we are not doing this to be mean or selfish, we are doing what is best for Kaden and trying to not have a re-admit to the hospital.
We don't know at this point if he will come home on monitors. We are just so blessed to finally be at this point.
Thank you all for praying and please continue~ God hears all~
Carol, that is by far the sweetest picture of him. I thought they might make him come home with a sleep monitor, but glad you got the fan in for his room, because they said that helps with breathing. I am so excited for you and I know he is going to grow in leaps and bounds before you know it. Love Ya, Pat